A list of our team members with their work experience, education, and position on this site can be found below.

1. Michael Johnson

CarSoundMaster.com Founder and CEO is Michael Johnson. Born and raised in Los Angeles, he completed his electronics engineering degree in 2009. He specializes in car audio and running his own workshop.

In his blog Johnson covers a wide range of topics related to car audio including tips and tricks, product reviews, and buying guides.

So, he ventured into the internet realm with all of his knowledge and a bachelor’s degree, prepared to help anybody who is interested in or needs any sort of assistance with car stereo, etc. As a result, here are his efforts.

As the founder and CEO of Car Sound Master, he brings his years of knowledge in car audio to help you improve the sound system in your vehicle.

In addition, he has a beautiful wife and two sweet kids. Johnson is one of the most important members of his family.

2.  William James

William, a professional writer with car stereo expertise from Los Angeles, has been working in the car audio industry since 2011 and join us in 2019.

He is known for being straightforward with his information – no fluffy marketing speak here – so whether you are just starting out or want to explore further into your car audio options, William is definitely the guy to check out.

William is also working with Johnson in his workshop, so you can be sure that the advice and content he provides on his blog is backed up by years of experience.

In addition to his work as a writer and car audio expert at CarSoundMaster, William also spends time exploring new tricks and tips to help people achieve better sound quality in their vehicles.

3. Jameson Williams

In May 2020, Jameson Williams, the Car Sound Master’s second penman, joined the company. Jameson is a graduate of Illinois State’s Electrical Engineering and also attended Stevens Institute of Technology.

Jameson Williams also works as a manager of this whole setup (Website). He has a strong background in electronics, audio, optics and automotive engineering. Jameson Williams is the perfect person to help Car Sound Master grow its reach even further.

Besides writing quality content on a regular basis, he is also a very active social media user that interacts with his followers and clients.

He is also a lover of blogging, as shown by the fact that he was able to position this site well in search results.

For more information, make sure to read about us page.